Shipping and Refund Policies
After you have received your order, you have 14 days to request a refund if you wish to by emailing . You then have a further 14 days to return your order to Hannah Lily Designs, in perfect, unused condition, in all original packaging, including shipping box. We recommend using a recorded delivery service to return your items to us, so that you know your postal service has delivered it safely back to us.
If you request a refund for your order within the 14 days but you do not return the item to us within the following 14 days after, we would not be able to offer you a refund.
All appropriate refunds will be issued within 14 days of receiving the return. You are responsible for paying the return postage.
To request a refund, please email and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.
UK DELIVERIES: Estimated delivery times on orders usually take 2-5 working days.
OUTSIDE UK DELIVERIES: Estimated delivery times on orders usually take 5 - 10 working days.